Context and rationale
According the International Energy Agency (IEA), in 2022, around 2.3 billion people worldwide lack access to clean cooking facilities, relying instead on the traditional use of solid biomass, kerosene, or coal as their primary cooking fuel.
The situation is much more alarming in Africa where almost 1 billion of the people still do not have access to clean cooking technologies with all the harmful consequences on health, socio-economy and environment
It is clear that in recent years, many programs and initiatives have been emerged at the continental, regional and national levels, to facilitate household access to clean cooking in Africa. Despite all these efforts, according to our recent data, biomass remains by far the most used fuel in Africa homes at a constant rate of around 85% of all energy used, with some exception of North Africa in which Biomass only represents 5% of the energy used in households (AFREC, 2023). Most of the biomass consumption is for cooking.
It is important to pay special attention to cooking energy with a view to making a transition to clean cooking fuel through policy and strategic interventions, sufficient resource allocation by the states and incentives for private sector to play a greater role.
It is in this context, the African Energy Commission (AFREC) is developing a programme aimed at accelerating the transition to clean cooking fuel in Africa by creating synergy of efforts, adopt best practices and spread key lessons across the continent for universal access to Clean Cooking in Africa.
However, for adequate planning, monitoring and evaluation of the various programs and projects to improve access to clean cooking in Africa, it is urgent that African Union Member States can produce quality, updated and harmonized statistics on access to clean cooking. As part of the annual data collection for updating the African Energy Information System (AEIS), the AFREC collects annual data on household access to clean cooking in Africa based on the energy efficiency questionnaire. Very few African Union Member States have been able to provide quality data on access to clean cooking in Africa.
It is therefore urgent to strengthen the capacities of African Union Member States for the production of quality, updated and harmonized statistics on access to clean cooking in Africa.
In the light of the above, AFREC is organizing a Webinar to discuss with the Member States of the African Union the challenges of producing statistics on access to clean cooking and how to address them.
The main objective is to take stock of the production of statistics on access to clean cooking in Africa, with the aim of putting in place appropriate strategies for strengthening the capacities of the main stakeholders in charge of the production of statistics on access to clean cooking in Africa such as Ministries in charge of Energy, Environment, Agriculture, Forestry, Petroleum, Gas, Natural Resources as well as the National Statistics Offices.
The specific objectives of this Webinar are:
- Present key indicators on access to clean cooking in Africa including Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030 indicators on access to clean cooking;
- Discuss the problems encountered by African Union Member States in the production of statistics on access to clean cooking;
- Share good experiences on statistics on access to clean cooking;
- Discuss good practices for compiling statistics on access to clean cooking based on surveys and population and housing censuses;
- Discuss methodologies for estimating data on household access to clean cooking;
- Discuss the production of the first Report of Access to Clean Cooking Statistics in Africa.
Expected results
The expected results are:
- African Union Member States will have good knowledge of the indicators of Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030 on Access to clean cooking;
- A diagnostic report is available on the problems encountered by African Union Member States in the production of indicators on clean cooking;
- Good experiences on the production of statistics on access to clean cooking in Africa are shared;
- Good practices for compiling statistics on access to clean cooking based on surveys and population and housing censuses are shared;
- Methodologies for estimating data on household access to clean cooking are shared;
- The roadmap for the first Report of Access to Clean Cooking Statistics in Africa is available.
Participants are key energy sector stakeholders from African states, national and international institutions, private sector, academia, civil society organization, youth, students, etc.
Panellists will come from the following Member States and institutions:
- African Energy Commission (10 minutes)
- African Development Bank (10 minutes)
- ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) (10 minutes)
- Algeria (10 minutes)
- Ghana (10 minutes)
- Senegal (10 minutes)
- Kenya (10 minutes)
- Madagascar (10 minutes)