In line with its mandate, AFREC has established and maintained the African Energy Information System (AEIS) since 2012, which allows collection and validation of African countries' energy statistics through the use of questionnaires, and disseminates these statistics through publications to make it available to African Union Member states, continental institutions, regional organizations, the international organizations, Investors, academia, etc. The datasets are also available on the AFREC webpage.
However, despite AFREC’s work to improve the production of energy statistics in Africa, it is clear that many African Union Member States are still facing some serious challenges to publish Energy statistics on a regular basis.
Considering this, AFREC has engaged a team of experts to develop a Comprehensive Strategic Plan for the improvement and harmonization of Energy Statistics and Energy Information Systems in Africa for 2025 to 2030.
The strategy is a crucial step forward in developing African energy statistics and will need to be owned by all energy statistics stakeholders in Africa. To help achieve this it is important that everyone has an opportunity to input to the development of the strategy and the associated action plan.
So, if you have an interest in energy statistics for Africa, it would be helpful if you can spare a few minutes to complete the survey below.
English https://forms.gle/L8MEaiMx2RtoF3sw9
French https://forms.gle/Nr5iQdUPCxvNZSRf7
If you can share the survey with your networks to widen the input, that would be immensely helpful.