United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) through United for Efficiency (U4E) and African Energy Commission (AFREC)
ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE)
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Energy is a driver for socioeconomic development. In meeting her energy demand, Africa’s energy sector is faced with challenges of inadequate supply, high transmission and distribution losses, unstable and unreliable energy supply value chain, low access rates to modern energy services and low end-use efficiency. Recognizing the benefits of enhanced efficiency along the energy value chain, African Energy Commission (AFREC) in partnership with other stakeholders, promotes energy efficiency in the African continent. The energy efficiency initiatives are conducted through the African Energy Efficiency Programme and targets either individual Member States, regional economic blocks or based at continental level.
In 2023, AFREC and the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) together with the UNEP’s United for Efficiency Initiative (U4E) undertook an assessment to quantify potential energy efficiency savings from an energy efficiency market transformation in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) region. The assessment was to quantify the energy savings from implementing a harmonized energy efficiency policy and standards within ECOWAS region. This is based on Minimum Energy Performance Standards and labelling programme targeting the highest power consuming product sectors of lighting [all sectors], cooling appliances (refrigerators and room air conditioners) and electrical equipment (electric motors and power distribution transformers). The results of the assessment are ready.
It is in this context that AFREC in collaboration with ECREEE and U4E is organizing for a dissemination and validation workshop to present the results of the assessment. The workshop shall be held virtually on 30th April 2024.
- Objectives
The overall objective of the webinar is to present the potential energy, financial and environmental savings from the deployment of a harmonized energy efficiency policy on MEPS targeting select energy consuming appliances in the ECOWAS region.
Specific objectives include to:
- Present the methodology used to undertake the energy efficiency market transformation energy savings assessment in the ECOWAS region.
- Present the results of the market assessment. This is including the potential energy, financial and environmental savings, and additional benefits from the implementation of a harmonized policy on MEPS in the ECOWAS region.
- Provide a regional vision of current implemented Energy Efficiency Programmes/ ongoing initiatives as examples to be replicated in neighboring countries/region.
- Duration and Venue
This Webinar is designed for a duration of 2 (two) hours on 30th April 2024.
- Format
The Videoconference workshop will be based on presentations made by AFREC, and U4E. The presentations will be followed by plenary during which experts from Member States will make contributions and recommendations as way forward.
- Languages
The presentations shall be in either English, Portuguese or French with simultaneous interpretations in all the aforesaid languages.
- Participants
The workshop targets energy experts and decisions-makers from ECOWAS Member States, African Union Commission, African Development Bank, United Nations Economic Commission, Regional Economic Communities, and other regional and international organizations working on energy efficiency programmes in Africa.
- Information
For further information on the program please contact Eng. Nickson Bukachi Ongeri at ongerin@africa-union.org